Wednesday, August 27, 2014

blackberry "hillbilly" cobbler

      ok so I need to catch up after making tzatziki, sorry for the late post I was at my great grandmother's house in Missouri. So if you were planning to tie me to a chair to make me post then... well I don't know.

      Enough about what I was doing. This blackberry hillbilly cobbler is no joke. its  absolutely delicious. By the way I didn't garnish with a nice scoop of ice cream so sorry about that that's crime against nature right there what's next laughing in public?

       but I will teach you a trick... when you bake these as shown then the batter should be above the berries. I flipped the cobbler up side down so I could get a better looking result. but the way the acidic berries work with the sweet crusty and buttery crust is nothing short of magical so I flipped the cobbler. one of my favorite chef john called these buckles so you may want to loosen your belt buckle a couple notches and try this delicious and easy fruit dessert a try soon enjoy!

Serving for 4-6 people (1 if your mother ate everything like my mom did as well)

2  cups fresh blackberries  *note, please use a farmer's market blackberries for this. I used a packaged one from commisary because I was impatient but it ended up being way too acidic.

2 tbsp white sugar if your berries are sweet, 3 if they need some help

1 tsp vanilla extract

For the batter:

1 1/4 cups all purpose flour

3/4 cup white sugar

1/2 cup almond meal

2 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp salt

pinch of cinnamon

1 cup milk

8 x 12 baking dish with 6 tbsp hot melted butter poured in.

1- prepare the blackberries place The blackberries into a small bowl add the sugar and the vanilla and stir until you don't see any more particles of sugar let sit for 15 min

2- pre-pare the baking dish melt 6 tbsp of butter and pour it into a  8 x 12 baking dish

3- make the batter swift all the dry ingredient together and stir until the baking powder is incorporated evenly *this is critical you must stir after it is swifter evenly

4- pour the batter into the buttered baking dish don't worry if it looks weird its perfectly normal, *pour it straight in the middle of the baking dish or else this will not work 

5- Bake at 350 degrees F. for about 1 hour
