Saturday, November 15, 2014

German pancake- trying something new lebovitz style

      Have you ever had one of those situations where you were so confident in and yet ended terrible? I unfortunately have when I made the german pancake. It looked so impressive like the time I made souffle and yet I managed to burn the bottom of the cake... I was so desperate that I tried to scrape the bottom part that got burned... I think I have a problem

      I know what you're thinking now, "what the heck do you mean by Lebovitz style?". What I mean by that is the style of his blog. Instead of written recipe like me, David Lebovitz does a step by step picture style along with Joy the baker. So I decided to try it out! I didn't get enough pictures to do a step by step but I hope you will like it! 

      By the way I also tried to make a honey caramel sauce which worked out well. It added the complexity of a caramel and yet kept the sweetness of honey. The secret ingredient to this is kuromitsu which is a Japanese black honey and cayenne. The kuromitsu adds a hint of exotic but sweet flavor. The cayenne just increase the sweetness and opens up the pallet of flavors if you use it right.

      hope you like the result and enjoy!

serving for 4 
3 large room temperature eggs
2/3 cup room temperature milk
packed 1/2 cup flour (really pack the measuring cup firmly with flour)
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp salt
3 tbsp clarified butter
for the sauce:
1/4 cup of honey
2 tbsp of kuromitsu (if you don't have it then leave it out)
1 tsp of cayenne
1 tbsp of butter

                                                place the 3 eggs in the blender
                                                                     add the milk
                                                         add the flour, sugar, and vanilla
                                                                blend until combined
                         for the sauce: combine everything in a saucepan and cook it until your likings
                                                                    bake it for 20-25 min  at 425 F